"The complete Tree of Life scene carved on the face of Izapa Stela 5 (drawing reproduction by the writer, based upon the photograph obtained by the Smithsonian Institution-National Geographic Society expedition in 1941...before the weathering of and some other damage to the monument that has occurred since then, also upon a first-hand examination of the carving by the writer at the site in 1954, and a latex mold obtained by the Brigham Young University expedition to Middle America of 1958). The irregular dark patches in this drawing represent gouged or damaged places already in the carving when found...."
Jakeman, M. Wells. The complex "tree-of-life" carving on Izapa Stela5: a reanalysis and partial interpretation. Brigham Young University. Publications in archaeology and early history. Mesoamerican series, #.4. Provo, Utah: 1958, 47p.:ill.